July 14, 2021

1.       The group is contacting and meeting with various local officials. 

2.       Next steps may include the following:

a.       A website calendar to keep track of critical dates.

b.       Contacting tourism officials.

c.       Meet with county commissioner.

d.        Investigate how CBI can impact driver education students as to bicycle rights.

3.       The next County Transportation Committee meeting is August 18th. 

June 23, 2021

1.       Detailed review of the Introductory Power Point.

2.       PPT based on background/findings from the following. 

a.       Basics of the economic impact studies cited

b.       Criteria for Bicycle Friendly designation under the League of American Wheelmen plan

c.       Basics of Complete Streets, Watch for Me, and Vision Zero NC.

3.       Registered supporters on the website are up to 137. 

4.       Teams are responsible for CBI’s contact with each town.  The responsibilities of each team are to: 

a.       Meet with town officials and introduce CBI to each town and work to build their support for our goals

b.       Understand each town’s bicycle transportation needs and plans;

c.       Attend and provide public comment for CBI on each town’s projects and planning that relate to bicycle transportation;

d.       Regularly update the group on discussions/progress to date.

May 5, 2021

1.       Update to the group on incorporation, the website, and the Cedar Point Planning Board meeting.  The Articles are ready for submission. 

2.       The map with Parks and Rec is in final design and will be presented for approval shortly.  Tony and Ginny have begun working on the GIS mapping our transportation network.  They will provide a list of criteria/characteristics to the group for it to review.

3.       Discussed common talking points for contacts with various local officials. 

a.       Ask to be involved in any town bike transportation planning and

b.       Ask for support in developing a bicycle network as part of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan to be updated this fall. 

c.       Create a Power Point deck for use in initial meetings with local folks.

4.       Discussion of HB511 requiring funding for independent bike/ped projects through certain state funds. 

April 14, 2021

1.       Sarah Sanford from East Coast Greenway addressed the group with a summary about ECG and how we can mutually assist each other to improve bicycle transportation in Carteret County.  The ECG is a multi-use, protected or stand-alone trail.  It may be paved or natural surface.  The Greenway is a minimum 10 ft wide and costs approximately $1 million per mile to design and construct.  Complete Streets legislation requires, and in some cases encourages, bike/ped facilities.  ECG can assist with grants, consulting on local plans, providing public comment on local projects, and with direct contact with local officials.  We can help them by promoting the Greenway locally with officials and during public comment periods and lobbying our state representatives when legislative proposals are presented.  Possible other resources for fact sheets/data to use in promotion of the Greenway are Rails to Trails, Adventure Cycling, and League of American Wheelmen. Funding for the ECG is primarily from federal and local government.  NCDOT does not provide much funding for bike/ped infrastructure.  Federal sources include USDOT funds and ECG and others are working on a Greenway Stimulus initiative (www.greenwaystimulus.org).  Trail initiatives in NC are working on alternative state funding sources including the state park system.

2.       The Articles and bylaws are ready for submission. 

3.       The safety section has been incorporated into the Advocacy page on website and the email list is up and running.

4.       Update on the mapping project.  Work has begun on the GIS mapping our transportation network. 

5.       Membership is now 125.  Need to explain to supporters the progress of CBI.

6.       Updated on contacts with the state.  We have confirmed that, as of now, we have a seat on an advisory committee for the County’s update to its Comprehensive Transportation Plan due to start in September.

7.       The group discussed how to organize to contact local officials. 

March 24, 2021

1.       Updates on business formation, bylaws, directors/incorporators and Articles of Incorporation to file for 501 (c)(3) status. 

2.       Website evolves with bios of charter members.  Safety section forthcoming.

3.       Updates on the Beaufort Land Use Plan.  Both Alex and Ginny attended.  The plan has a stated goal of enhancing the non-auto, bike/ped transportation.  Input was provided at the meeting that bike/ped transportation planning should include connectivity to the rest of the county.

4.       Updates the on state contacts and the county’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan due to start in September.  The group discussed having a desired bicycle transportation network in place by then

5.       Planned projects where we might have input are on Hwy 24, 101, and the Newport River Bridge.  CBI will follow up to see if there are opportunities to improve bicycle transportation as part of these projects.

6.       The group also discussed how to organize to contact local officials.  We agreed to identify who these officials are and to create teams to contact them.  The group noted its own strength that with its geographic diversity it has members in most of the townships.

7.       Bike the Banks is on for May 1.  The group discussed members riding. 

March 2, 2021

1.       Carol Stein, a board member with BikeWalkNC and a bike advocate in the Wilmington area, spoke to the group.  She emphasized the following:

a.       Construction of bike facilities is a bottom up approach.  It starts with local planners.

b.       Get to know the NCDOT division engineer – they are an important resource.

c.       Be involved in future plans and work to have them include bicycle facilities.

d.       Review current, approved but unfunded plans, to see if how they are ranked and if they can include facilities that we think are important.

e.       There are currently state funding constraints on bike/ped facilities.

f.        Local planners may not have the time/personnel to pursue funding sources.

2.       Final update on the map.  It is just about ready to be submitted to Parks and Recreation.

3.       Update on membership drive; now at 97.  

4.       The website has a version of the map on it.  Once the map is finalized, RideWithGPS files will be added to the site. 

5.       Articles of Incorporation still in discussion.

February 9, 2021

1.       Update and review of mapping project.

2.       66 supporters to date signed up via outreach efforts.

3.       The website is up, running and evolving.

4.       Discussion on way forward. 

5.       Outreach necessary to individuals who have gone before us.

6.       Discussed about coastal trails.  NC Parks focuses mainly on the trails within the parks, but does administer two grant programs. 

January 26, 2021

1.       Review and narrowing of brand options.

2.       Update on the tourist map for the Dept of Parks and Recreation. 

3.       Update on the membership drive. 

4.       CBI email (info@coastalbikeimpact.com) and a web domain (www.coastalbikeimpact,com) moving forward.

5.       Discussions began on incorporation as a not-for-profit entity.

January 12.2021

1.       Mapping efforts will include bicycle tourism and bicycle transportation facility improvements.

2.       The membership drive began. 

3.       Plans began to evolve for the technological underpinning:  communication, website, domain name, etc

4.       The name “Coastal Bike Impact” was adopted. 

5.       Several logo concepts were shared. 


December 1, 2020

1.       Discussions began with County Parks and Recreation to produce a map of bicycling routes.

2.       The group organized around the following next steps: 

a.       Start to develop recommended cycling routes, inventory existing conditions, and create a digital map.  This task will also be useful for a Parks and Rec map proposal.

b.       Start to build a membership list.

c.       Choose a name, create a logo, and draft a mission statement.

d.       Investigate where a team member or members can fit with the County.

November 10, 2020 

1.       Goals and Objectives:  Promotion of bike safety, participation in long-term bicycle related planning, development of bike routes and trails, promotion of cycling events, promotion of cycling for tourism

2.       Benefits for the Greater Community:  Tourism, Transportation, Recreation, Health/Fitness

3.       Perform Due Diligence

a.       What are existing conditions?

b.       Inventory of trails, paths, road shoulders, etc.

c.       Determine what events are currently held

d.       Understand Inter-related governance structures

4.       Identify and Build Coalition of Cyclists

5.       Create Brand

6.       Resources

a.       Bikewalk NC

b.       League of American Bicyclists – Bicycle Friendly Communities

c.       People for Bikes

October 28, 2020

1.       The consensus of the group was to try and form a County-level bicycle advisory committee to interact with local and state officials and advocate for bike safety and other cycling related goals.

2.       Possible goals of the group were discussed: 

a.       Promotion of bicycle safety

b.       Involvement in long-term planning related to bicycling

c.       Development of bike routes

d.       Development of bike trails

e.       Promotion of cycling events

f.        Promotion of cycling for tourism.

3.       The group agreed on the need to expand the group by getting the support of more cyclists.  Group members will begin to network around to do this.